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We believe in


Our vision is to create the future leaders of society. We do this by implementing several key strategies based on the Prophetic model:


  1. Provide leadership opportunities: We create leadership opportunities for students by organizing events, student-led projects, and other extracurricular activities. By taking on leadership roles in these activities, students can develop skills such as decision-making, communication, problem-solving, and teamwork.

  2. Foster a growth mindset: We help students develop a growth mindset, which is the belief that one's abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication. By promoting a growth mindset, we can encourage students to embrace challenges and take risks, which can help them develop leadership skills.

  3. Encourage self-reflection: We encourage students to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their values and goals. By helping students develop a deeper understanding of themselves, we can empower them to become more effective leaders.

  4. Provide mentorship and coaching: We provide mentorship and coaching to students who show leadership potential. By connecting students with mentors who can offer guidance and support, we can help them develop their leadership skills.

  5. Create a culture of collaboration: We create a culture of collaboration by emphasizing the importance of teamwork and encouraging students to work together on projects and activities. By fostering a collaborative environment, we can help students develop the skills they need to lead teams and work effectively with others.

  6. Emphasize social and emotional learning: We emphasize social and emotional learning by teaching students skills such as empathy, self-awareness, and emotional regulation. By helping students develop these skills, we can prepare them to be effective leaders who can understand and connect with others.

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Cordoba Academy utilizes the WA State certified WAVA and CVA resources, respectively, and customizes it for primary education.  Our Islamic Studies program is overseen and taught by a Spiritual Board, consisting of traditional Muslim scholars who incorporate the globally established and certified Safar Academy curriculum.


Both programs are supplemented with extra-curricular activities such as summer camp, story times, workshops and parent engagement (to name a few), which are open to the entire community.


Our vision is to establish an institution where the intellectual, ethical, social, physical, emotional, and most importantly, spiritual development of young American Muslims can be nurtured; producing confident, spiritual, and professional leaders who will be an asset to our society.  


CA uses nationally and globally recognized teaching models and frameworks to engage with students in various capacities.


The Epstein parental model is used to develop school and family partnership programs. This includes parenting support, fostering volunteerism, home learning, involving parents, community activities, and communication.


Some examples include:


  • Providing lecture series that parents attend to help foster a healthy learning environment at home. Parents also lead after school events and activities

  • Students are given yearly planners that outline homework assignment goals and expectations on a daily basis

  • Monthly meetings engage parents to address concerns and the school has an open-door policy for parents to setup time for constructive criticism and feedback

  • The academy provides monthly extra-curricular activities for students to participate in including story times, game nights, arts and crafts

  • Parents have quarterly Parent Teacher conferences to receive student progress reports. Database to provide weekly reports that show EQ And IQ data accessible through google classrooms.

  • Newsletters from the school go out every month updating the community regarding holidays, community events, and field trips and important announcements

Academic programs


CA utilizes WA State certified resources, respectively, and customizes it for primary education.


We aim to provide children with a foundation to grow physically, cognitively, socially, emotionally and spiritually.

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